Thursday 19 February 2015

Simple and Quick Carrot Salad-South Indian Style-Healthy Salad

Hi everyone!!!!!!!

Sorry for the gap of a week because i was not well and my kid also. So everything was a set back.But now i am back with a bang and here we go with a simple salad recipe .

Carrot salad is one which i make very often because it is very very healthy.This type of salad which we are going to see is mostly prepared by many south Indians especially Tamilians. It is very easy but when you make this for guests trust me you will scold me,because you have to grate the carrots. But i make this for me and my husband, so it is quite easy for me.

Carrots are very healthy rich vegetable and you can eat carrots in any form.You can add this salad recipe in your family's diet chart .I recommend you to have this atleast once in a week.

So now let's see how to make this recipe.

Serving                                         : 2-3 people

Cooking Time                              :10 Mins


1.)Fresh Carrots                           -As desired

2.)Olive Oil                                 - 1 Teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

3.)Salt                                         -As desired

4.)Mustard Seeds                       -To temper

5.)Green Chillies                       -As desired

6.)Lemon                                   -As desired


1.)Grate the carrots.Grate how much ever carrots you want. Here i have grated for 2- 3 people.

2.)Squeeze lemons to this now.I squeezed two lemons.

3.)Add the required salt to this and mix well.

4.)Allow the mustard seeds to temper in olive oil.

5.)Add mustard seeds and green chillies now.

6.)Mix well and allow it to get blended for sometime.I recommend you to make this salad half an hour before eating.Lemon juice and green chillies seeds will get blended with carrot and it will give a very good taste. The more it is kept, the more tastier.

Your carrot salad is ready)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


1.)If you add too much of lemon it will become sour very soon.Say in 3 hours itself.So balance your salt and lemon consistency.

2.)Do not heat this at any point of time. 

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Veg Tortilla Wrap- Mexican Cuisine-With Steamed Rice,Corn,Mozarella Cheese, Peas & Beans/Sans Sauces

Hi Everyone!!!!!!!

The recipe which we are going to see is one of my favourite dishes. I love Punjabi and Mexican food and love to taste all varieties in them.This dish in particular is great to have when you feel bored of your regular diet or food.

Tortillas are great to taste and in Chennai,India, I particularly love this recipe in Cream Center and Little Italy.They serve this food excellently. These two are our favourite hangouts. My husband loves Sizzlers and i love tortillas. So if you get a chance go and try these two restaurants.

Tortillas are made from simple flour and it is very thin and soft. It is grinded from wheat flour. Tortillas are made into different dishes and they are also made with mashed potatoes.I have also heard that they dip these tortillas in thick vegetable
porridge and have it.

And in this recipe i have tried tortillas without/sans sauces. It is a very simple one and can be made very easily. And i have made some additions and deletions according to my choice. And i have not added any toppings or seasoning except cheese.

This is a long time pending recipe for me. Yesterday i was bored of regular food,tiffin etc.So had this for our dinner yesterday.Vow Yummy!!!!Tortillas are heaven to have!!!!!Try out and you will also feel the same...Kudos to the Mexican people for finding this recipe..))))))))))))

Serving                              :    1

Cooking Time                   : 20 Mins


1.)Tortilla Wrap                - 1 Big Size

2.)Olive Oil                      - 1 Teaspoon(Normal Big Spoon)(Ref my measurements)

3.)Onions(Big)                 -1 Cup chopped(Ref my measurements)

4.)Tomatoes                     -1 Cup chopped(Ref my measurements)

5.)Corn Kernels               -1 Cup chopped(Ref my measurements)

6.)Green Peas                  -1 Cup chopped(Ref my measurements)

7.)Salt                              -As required

8.)Garlic                          - 4 -5 pieces

9.)Green Capsicum         -1 Cup chopped(Ref my measurements)

10.)Mozarella Cheese     - To grate on the toppings. (As required)

11.)Red Beans/Rajma    -Boiled 200 grams

12.)Basmati Rice           - Boiled 100 Grams

13.)Chilli flakes             -As per requirement


1.)Saute olive oil in a pan and fry onions till they turn pink.

2.)Now add the chopped tomatoes and mix well.

3.)Add the garlic cloves as said.

4.)Now add the chopped green capsicum.Next add the corn kernels also.

5.)Add the green peas also and mix well.

6.)Add the required salt and mix all the veggies well.Just sprinkle some chilli flakes as per your spice requirement/

7.)Now take one tortilla as below.

8.)Add the veggies now.Keep in one side of the corner because if you keep in the middle or somewhere you cannot fold the same.Keep it as below.

9.)Now steam basmati rice and add to this.

10.)Now grate the cheese on top of this.I used Mozarella Cheese. Grate it according to your quantity.But remember grate it only above the veggies and rice so that it binds well.

11.)Now roll without breaking the tortilla as below.

12.)Now microwave the same till the tortilla is cooked and it turns light brown.You will get an excellent aroma .Please check in between.Keep in a heating plate and if you want you can grease with some little butter .After the tortilla is cooked, cut it into two pieces as below.


1.)You can use red bell pepper corn instead of green capsicum.

2.)You can use sauces also for this.But i do not like too much of sauce so i deleted totally from this recipe.

3.)Stuffing in tortillas can be made according to your choice and you have varieties in that.

4.)I have cut the tortillas into two pieces for easy eating.

5.)If you want to have a better and more yummy taste , grate some more cheese above the tortillas and have.

Bon Appetit!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ishwarya Balaji

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Quick & Easy Foxtail /Thennai Upma/Millet Upma/Millet Recipe/Millet Tiffin/Healthy Recipe-Fibre and protein rich and low fat

Hi Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Today we are going to see a healthy recipe...This recipe can be done for breakfast,dinner or for any occasion if you feel something you want as a healthy option.

Millets are one word which i am hearing very often in recent months. Then i googled the same and came to know about it's health benefits. Actually when i was reading about this, i came to know that it has been a staple food for south indians many years ago.Ofcourse old is gold.So our past generations were healthy by eating food like these.

There are varieties in millets and today we are going to see Foxtail Millet/Thennai.

Foxtail millet is one of the best millets available with us.I will give you some links to know more about this millet.

These are some of the links which i went through,You can learn more on this and it is very intresting too.

Cooking Time                           : 15 mins

Serving                                     : 2 people

Ingredients                               :

1.)Thennai Rice                        -  1 cup(Ref my measurements)

2.)Salt                                       -As required

3.)Water                                   -As required

4.)Red Chillies                         -As required

5.)Molagu/Pepper Corns          -Half a teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

6.)Jeeragam/Cumin seeds        -Half a teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

7.)Toor Dhal                            -Half a teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

8.)Olive Oil                             -To saute

9.)Mustard seeds                    -Half a teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

10.)Onions                             -1 cup(chopped)(Ref my measurements)

11.)Milk/Coconut milk         - As required to boil


1.)Saute olive oil in a pan and allow the mustard seeds to temper.

2.)Now add the chopped onions and fry them till they turn pink.

3.)Now grind the ingredients from no.4 to 7 into a fine powder and add this to the onions and fry them well.

4.)Now add thennai rice.

5.)Now add normal milk or coconut milk as you desire.Here i had guests that day so i have used coconut milk or if we eat in dietary idea i use normal skimmed milk only.See the quantity and the milk level and then add required water.

6.)Close the lid for 5 mins so that it will get cooked easily.

Your thennai upma is ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Serve with any side dish of your choice.You can either make chutneys or dhal or whatever you desire.Here i have made Vathakuzhambu as side dish for this.For vathakuzhambu you can refer my


1.)I am not here to promote any brands.To have a look at the thennai rice i have just posted it with the cover,You can get this thennai rice in any shop of your choice.

2.)I have made this in arisi upma style.You can add some veggies to this also to make more healthier.

3.)Coconut milk is your option.

4.)You can garnish with coriander leaves also.

5.)You can add green peas,peanuts, and grate some brocolli to this and have it.

Enjoy your hot Millet upma....)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Bon Appetit!!!!!!!!11

Ishwarya Balaji