Thursday 19 February 2015

Simple and Quick Carrot Salad-South Indian Style-Healthy Salad

Hi everyone!!!!!!!

Sorry for the gap of a week because i was not well and my kid also. So everything was a set back.But now i am back with a bang and here we go with a simple salad recipe .

Carrot salad is one which i make very often because it is very very healthy.This type of salad which we are going to see is mostly prepared by many south Indians especially Tamilians. It is very easy but when you make this for guests trust me you will scold me,because you have to grate the carrots. But i make this for me and my husband, so it is quite easy for me.

Carrots are very healthy rich vegetable and you can eat carrots in any form.You can add this salad recipe in your family's diet chart .I recommend you to have this atleast once in a week.

So now let's see how to make this recipe.

Serving                                         : 2-3 people

Cooking Time                              :10 Mins


1.)Fresh Carrots                           -As desired

2.)Olive Oil                                 - 1 Teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

3.)Salt                                         -As desired

4.)Mustard Seeds                       -To temper

5.)Green Chillies                       -As desired

6.)Lemon                                   -As desired


1.)Grate the carrots.Grate how much ever carrots you want. Here i have grated for 2- 3 people.

2.)Squeeze lemons to this now.I squeezed two lemons.

3.)Add the required salt to this and mix well.

4.)Allow the mustard seeds to temper in olive oil.

5.)Add mustard seeds and green chillies now.

6.)Mix well and allow it to get blended for sometime.I recommend you to make this salad half an hour before eating.Lemon juice and green chillies seeds will get blended with carrot and it will give a very good taste. The more it is kept, the more tastier.

Your carrot salad is ready)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


1.)If you add too much of lemon it will become sour very soon.Say in 3 hours itself.So balance your salt and lemon consistency.

2.)Do not heat this at any point of time. 

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