Saturday 8 November 2014

Pani Poori

Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pani poori is one of my favourite and i usually eat in Mithai Mandhir,Pondicherry and Sharma Pani poori shop which is actually a road side shopin Pondicherry but they serve very very tasty food.And he cooks in a very typical north style.His shop is in the backside of Pondicherry beach.I get very good memories here because me and my friends had a very wonderful time there.Missing those golden days.That time we used to have little pocket money and enjoy these foods but now we have enough money but no time to join togethor and enjoy.Missing you all my friends.Anyways, it really tastes awesome. So i thought why not i give a try at home and it came out well. This is for instant pani poori when guests come which can be made ready in 20 mins.

I have not tried the pooris here.I bought one from Nilgris.The nilgris brand poori is better i feel. So i made the water and masala to stuff in.

Preparation Time: 20 Mins

Serves 4 to 5 people.


For the Water:

1.) Pudhina Leaves   - 1 small bunch(how much ever the bunch is small that much it will be tastier)

2.)Black Tamarind    - 2 Pinches.

3.)Salt                        - As required

4.)Coriander Leaves  - As required

5.)Sugar                     -As required

For the Stuffing:

1.)Potatoes                 - 5 big potatoes

2.)Garam Masala       - 3 teaspoons(normal big spoon)

3.)Chaat Masala        - 3 teaspoons(normal big spoon)

4.)Amchur/Mango    - 2 teaspoons(normal big spoon)

5.)Chilli Powder       -As required

6.)White pepper       - A pinch

7.)Ginger                  -If required,if you want to add finely chop it so that there should not be traces of                                    ginger except for the flavour.(Some people add ginger and i have tasted that                                          also, so if you want you can.But i did not add in my dish).

8.)Salt                       -As required

9.)Cumin Powder     - 2 Teaspoons(normal big spoon)

10.)Turmeric Powder - A pinch.

11.)Lemon                 - Half a piece of lemon juice

For Garnishing:

1.)Onions                   -2 Big ones

2.)Coriander Leaves  -As required


Boiling the potatoes;

I boiled the potatoes in my microwave owen.I have IFB owen.In that you will have stuffed veg option and i boiled my potatoes in that and in 12- 17 mins my potatoes got boiled.I cut them into pieces and inserted a tooth pick for better boiling.You can remove the tooth pick after  mins from the boiling session. So you can try it in the options available in your owen or you can boil them normally in gas itself. I do it in microwave because it is easier to peel off.

After boiling is over, show them in running water first(but the potatoes should not break off).
You can peel them easily.

Doing the Masala/Stuffing:

1.)Smash the potatoes nicely without any lumps.

2.)Now heat a pan and pour little oil or ghee if you want.

3.)After it becomes ready, put this mashed potatoes in it.

4.)Add all the masala items as mentioned above in "Stuffing" and put salt also.

5.)Allow it to cook till the raw smell of the masala goes. It will take only 5 mins.

6.)You will get the aroma where you can smell the blending of potatoes with the masala..

7.)Turn off the gas and finely chop the coreiander leaves to garnish this stuffing and squeeze half a
     lemon juice on thie stuffing and mix well.

Now the stuffing is ready.

Extra Tips: You can add green peas to this if you wish.

Method for preparing the water:

1.)Take the black tamarind as mentioned above and make it as a thin water without any left over of         the tamarind.

2.)Now wash the pudhina leaves without any strains of mud and pluck only the leaves and was them       thoroughly.

3.)Grind the pudhina leaves into a fine paste.

4.)Now allow the tamarind water to boil and when it starts boiling,put this pudhina grinded paste into
    it and mix well.

5.)Put salt as required.(Remember you have added salt in the stuffing also.)

6.)Now after 8 mins, you can see the pudhina tamarind water boiling and a green thick layer will start     to come up.

7.)Now add sugar according to your taste. I added 1 and a half spoon of sugar.If you want the water       to be more sweetier, you can add as much sugar required.

8.)Mix well and you can turn off after 5 mins.

9.)Sprinkle some coriander leaves on this water.

Final Step:

Finely chop the onions and coriander leaves

Note: In Goa, when i tasted a pani poori i found something else which was different. But the taste                  was excellent.They added half a teaspoon of soya sauce to the water. But it gave a taste which            is different from the pani poori.But it was really good. So if you want,you can add and see.But            i have not added on mine.
I made this pani poori with simple ingredients at home for a quick serve.

And i love Everest Pani poori Masala. If you dont find all these masalas at home, you can try it out
with this one for an instant pani poori.

I will post the pooris one day.

Bon appetit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ishwarya Balaji

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