Tuesday 25 November 2014

Wheat Bread Banana Pudding with Nuts

Hi friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pudding can usually be a dessert or even a savory dish.

Generally pudding refers to non-vegetarian ingredients like eggs,meat etc but when time runs, now the word pudding denotes various desserts which are made out of many multiple cereals,fruits,and so on. There are baked,steamed and boiled puddings.

I love puddings and this wheat bread banana pudding with nuts is one which i make often because it is very healthy too. Nuts are part of our daily breakfast and it is a booster for your whole day.

Now let's see about the pudding.

Serving                     :   8 People

Cooking Time          :   15 Mins

Refrigerating Time  :   5 Hrs(Depends on the quantity)


1.)Milk                               -  In a bowl as shown

2.)Badam                           - In a pudding bowl as shown

3.)Walnuts                         - In a pudding bowl as shown

4.)Grapes                           -In a pudding bowl as shown

5.)Ovaltine                        -In a puddig bowl as shown(I used ovaltine for chocolate flavour, you can
                                            also use any other chocolate flavoring which can be used in milk)

6.)Custard Powder           -In a pudding bow; as shown

7.)Strawberry Sauce        - As shown(Here i used Hershey's,You can choose some other brand also)

8.)Wheat Bread               -I used one small packet of wheat bread.(I got one from Hot breads)

9.)Bread crumb               - As shown in the pudding bowl.

10.)Bananas                    - Any banana but only 4 nos.

Note:I am not here to promote any brands. I am just mentioning the product which i use,if you find
        something better,you can try.


1.)Soak the wheat bread in normal plain room temperature water.

2.)Now the bread will turn soft and squeeze of the excess water in it, Now put them in a jar and grind.

3.)Now grind it into a fine paste where no lumps should be there.

4.)Now add all the ingredients in this mixture;except bread crum and custard.

5.)Now mix the whole ingredients and it will be like the nuts hopping between the bread paste.Now
    add the bread crumb and mix well again.

6.)Mix well and form a good smooth pudding.

7.)Keep this open for 15 mins in room temperature(Do not close with any lid).

8.)Now peal off the bananas and grind them into a smooth paste.No lumps should be there.

9.)Now make a custard liquid by adding water and making a smooth paste of custard.(Do not add
    custard directly to the pudding as it will have small small lumps).And mix the whole pudding well.

10.)Now grind this pudding mixture in to a smooth paste and add the banana grinded paste to this.

11.)Now finally the pudding mixture is ready and now you can refrigerate the same for 5 hrs.Do not
      close the bowl while refrigerating and do not disturb it also.

12.)Since my serving is large, it took me 5 hrs for the pudding to set.If you have less quantity you
      will have lesser time for refrigerating.To check whether the pudding is ready insert a knife and
      see and when it is sticky, it need some more time be in the fridge or else the pudding is ready.

13.)Since it has bananas in it, you have to refrigerate the pudding and it would taste good only for
      2 days.

Serve the pudding with any juice of your choice,

Bon Appetit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ishwarya Balaji

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