Monday 19 January 2015

Easy&Healthy Water For Digestion in 5 Mins-Appetizer Or Heavy After A meal/party dinner,lunch??????????

Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the delayed posts as i was busy with Pongal Festival and had a short relaxing trip with my daughter.

Today we are going to a simple recipe which is really healthy and very easy to make also.

Jeeraga Thanni/Cumin Water/is a water prepared in my mother's house for generations. We have this water daily and we drink this after breakfast,lunch and also dinner.We add many ingredients other than cumin seeds/jeeragam but generally in my house they say Jeeraga Thanni/Cumin Water. Now i also prepare this water daily and it is really good for digestion after a heavy meal,party dinner, and some food which is hard to digest.Everyone in my house loves this water.It may sound simple but it has lots of health benefits because of the ingredients used in this. You can google the health benefits of these ingredients and then you will know the intresting facts of this water. It is like an appetizer. So you can also try the same!!!!!!!!!!!

Serving                 :    6 People for a single time

Cooking Time      : 10 Mins


1.)Water               -As shown / As required

2.)Cumin Seeds/  -As shown

3.)Black Pepper  -As shown

4.)Fenugreek     -As shown

5.)Elaichi         -6 Nos

6.)Ajwain        -As shown

7.)Cloves/       -As shown


1.)Allow the water to boil in a vessel(here the vessel which i use might have one to reduce a half water).

2.)Now add all the ingredients as shown below to the water .

Cumin Seeds
Black Pepper Corns

Fenugreek Seeds

2.)Now add all these to the water and allow it to boil.When you add elaichi alone, smash it and then add so that the seeds also gets into the water.

3.)After all the ingredients starts boiling , you can turn off after 5 mins.

4.)Hot Jeeraga Thanni is ready!!!!!!!!!!


1.)Do not add too much of all the ingredients.You can add and reduce the ingredients according to your water amount.

2.)For nearly 1 litre of water itself i am adding only this much.So you will have an idea of how to reduce or add the ingredients.

3.)You can either have this water as an appetizer or if you have a heavy meal you can drink this and it will help in easy digestion.

Have a Wonderful Day ahead!!!!!!!!

Bon Appetit!!!!!!

Ishwarya Balaji 

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