Wednesday 7 January 2015

Honey Sesame Peanut Potatoes-Starter,Side Dish,Chaat Type,Party Recipe,Yummy Recipe..

Hello Everyone!!!!!!

Honey Sesame Peanut Potatoes is one dish which i used to make when we are bored of regular meals,tiffin or other usual stuffs.This goes great with Rice,Chappathi/Roti and even just steamed plain basmati rice,ghee rice or jeera rice or any stuff for that matter. 

I love potatoes and will taste it in any form cooked except it should not be very spicy.

This can be served as a starter and definitely trust me honey when mixed with peanuts and potatoes tastes fantastically.

Now let's see how to do this.

Serving                 : 2 People

Cooking Time      : 15-17 Mins


1.)Baby Potatoes        - 1 Packet

2.)Onions                   -1 cup chopped(Ref my measurements)

3.)Mustard Seeds      -To temper

4.)Oil                        -1 and a half teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

5.)Black Gram/        - To temper (Use broken black gram/urad dhal)
   Urad Dhal  

6.)Green chillies      -As required

7.)Salt                     -As required

8.)Peanuts              -2 and a half teaspoons(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

9.)Cumin Seeds    - One teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

10.)Chilli Powder-As required

11.)Chaat Masala-One teaspoon (Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

12.)Turmeric       -A pinch

13.)Curry leaves- 2 Archs

14.)Sesame         -1 teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)

15.)Honey          -2 and a half teaspoons((Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements)


1.)Boil the potatoes and keep aside. I boiled them in my microwave owen.You can also do the same.
   Close the lid for 12-16 mins and your potatoes will be boiled.

2.)Saute oil in a pan and temper mustard seeds.

3.)Now add the black gram/urad dhal and fry it till light golden brown only.

4.)Add the chopped onions and fry them till the onions turn pink.

5.)Add the boiled potatoes and green chillies.I wanted a slight smash on the potatoes , so just smashed with hands here and there.If you want you can just put the boiled potatoes.

6.)Add the cumin seeds,turmeric powder,salt and peanuts and mix them well.

7.)Now add chilli powder and chaat masala.

8.)Add honey at this stage and mix it well.

9.)Add the curry leaves .

10.)Now add the sesame seeds.

11.)Mix well and serve hot!!!!!!!!!!


1.)Always use baby potatoes.

2.)Do not add salt after adding honey.

Bon Appetit!!!!!!

Enjoy your starter!!!!!!!

Ishwarya Balaji

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