Wednesday 3 December 2014

Healthy Flax seeds salad with nuts,fruits & vegetables-Fibre Rich and Dietary Salad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

This post is one i wanted to post sometime back itself but atlast i am doing it today.

This is a very healthy salad and ideal one for breakfast.

Salad is one part of our family diet and sometimes we have salad either in morning with some juice and we have this for lunch and dinner also. So please try this one have a healthy recipe..))))))

Flax seeds is one of the best one to reduce cholesterol and it very healthy and generally it is plant grown for fibre in cold region countries. You can use this as a powder and use it in salads,sprinkle on dosa or any dish you want.Here i bought flax seeds and grinded them into a powder. And i bought brown seeds(you have yellow one also).You can further google it to know it's amazing health benefits.

Then nuts as i said is our daily chore and it is very healthy to have badam,grapes and walnuts.

And of course fruits and vegetables are daily included in our diet.

Olive Oil is one which i mostly use in my cooking as it is very healthy.

So now you would have got a meaning about my post title and now let's go for the menu.

Serving            : 1 person

Cooking Time : 5 Mins


1.)Flax seeds                  - 1 teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements post)

2.)Honey                        - Half a teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements post)

3.)Papaya                       - As you wish

4.)Orange                      -As you wish

5.)Cabbage                   - As you wish

6.)Apple                       -As you wish

7.)Cornflex                  -Any flavour.Just a spoon.(Normal small spoon)(Ref my measurements post)

8.)Sesame Seeds         -Half a spoon(Normal small spoon)(Ref my measurements post)

9.)Black pepper          -A pinch

10.)Carrot                   - As you wish

11.)Banana                 -As you wish

12.)Olive Oil              -1 teaspoon(Normal big spoon)(Ref my measurements post)

13.)Nuts                     -Badam,Seedless raisins(dry),walnuts-As your wish.

Note: You can add or delete any vegetables and fruits of your choice in the list i mentioned 
           above but it should come in one full bowl.That's the requirement. I have mentioned 
           as it your choice because some may not like some fruits much so they can add them little
           and increase other fruit or vegetable accordingly.Please do not add grapes alone as the 
          salad will become soggy. 


1.)Clean all the vegetables and fruits of your choice and cut them into small pieces as it will be
    crunchy and nice to eat.(Including carrot).

2.)Now add all the following ingredients in a large bowl to mix them.(No.3,4,5,6,10 & 11) according
    to your choice.(Basically fruits and vegetables in the ingredients).Add the nuts at this stage so that
    it blends well with the fruits and vegetables.

3.)Mix them well now and add honey as mentioned.Mix it again.

4.)Now add the desired cornflex and black pepper of your choice in the said quantity.

5.)Add the sesame seeds above this salad mixture.

6.)Now add honey to this.Add the nuts mentioned also

7.)Finally add the flax seeds powder and olive oil and do not mix them.Mix them while eating.

8.)Enjoy the serving with any fresh juice of your choice.


1.)You can add pomegranate seeds to this to make it more rich.

2.) Any fruits except soggy ones can be used for this salad.

3.)You can add as many fruits and vegetables as you can.I added only these as i had only those
     when i prepared this one.

Have a healthy salad!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Living!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bon Appetit!!!!!!!!

Ishwarya Balaji


  1. Have you ever heard that you can burn your extra fat by maintaining diet only? And that is in just three weeks?

    1. hello wendy lisa...are you the moderator for the above blog?
